NC Gravel & Paving Aggregates

Crushed Rock...

For Crushing Results

Radford Quarries Will Dig It

Boone nc building materials
Boone NC gravel stone

Boone NC construction aggregates are our shop talk. We hit paydirt whenever the excavator digs into freshly exposed outcrops. By sourcing metaphorized rock subjected to tremendous heat and pulverizing pressure from eons ago, we harvest limestone, sand, and gravel for your crew’s next edifying facade and robust foundations that support towering pillars that subtly hint at what Watauga County already knows – you want a job done right with the stone to back up your reputation.

But the job doesn’t end with extraction. Staying true to substance and form, our jaw crushers break apart jagged boulders before refining the payload into specified grains for gravel, backfill material, or silky sand. Our aggregates are used for highway base course, walkways, parking lots, foundation footers, and residential construction. 

Paving the Way for Boone Asphalt Aggregate Production

Boone is Booming. Timely material procurement and a well-laid reputation win contracts. We provide Boone NC paving and asphalt aggregates on demand for quick-spreading. 

Radford Quarries

Radford Quarries Provides High Country Sourced Crushed Rock, Construction and Paving Aggregates For Quick Delivery